HOUSTON, Texas. The New York Times reports that Uber is under investigation by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as a result of allegations of pay and hiring disparities between its male and female workers. Uber claims that in the past year it has changed the way it handles hiring and performance reviews. It also claims that it has put in place diversity training programs for its workers.
Yet, there appears to continue to be investigations into the pay gap between women and men in the tech industry. It can be difficult when women speak up, too. WUWM reports that half of the women who report sexual harassment in the workplace or who seek equal treatment can sometimes face retaliation. While retaliation is illegal, it can sometimes be difficult for women to fight it. Human resources departments in the tech industry have faced increased scrutiny about how women’s sexual harassment and wage violation claims are handled. Human resources departments play a role of protecting the company from potential complaints, so workers may find that their best interests might not always be considered.
What can you do if you think you may be a victim of wage discrimination, or if you feel you were passed up for a promotion due to your gender? First, you may still want to report the incident to human resources. Give them a chance to handle the situation. If human resources doesn’t resolve your situation in a satisfactory manner, you may want to consider speaking to a qualified Houston, Texas employment lawyer like Moore & Associates. Our firm can review your claim, gather evidence, and fight for the best possible outcome for your case.
According to Entrepreneur, reports indicate that women in technology are paid 30 percent less than men. One of the ways that women can also protect themselves in the workplace is to cultivate a network in their field of study, where they can speak regularly with likeminded women and men who can share goals and compensation packages. Many women also don’t always know what they are worth, because some companies may not be transparent about what they pay. Websites like Glassdoor have increased transparency, but nothing beats speaking to your own co-workers about important things like benefits and pay. This can give you evidence, so that when the time comes for yearly reviews and pay discussions, you have hard evidence to support your claims for additional pay.
The good news is that the conversation is growing. More companies are being investigated for pay disparities and workplaces are more willing to listen to women’s concerns when they raise them. If you feel like you are still not being heard or if you have lost wages due to pay discrimination or due to missed time from work due to sexual harassment, you may have certain rights under the law. Contact Moore & Associates, employment lawyers in Houston, Texas today to learn more.
Moore & Associates
440 Louisiana Street, Suite 675
Houston, TX 77002